TAPS Training and Showing

TAPS Training and Showing



 Tracy Ann Percival - Trainer/Teacher/Coach of Hunt Seat Equestrians since 1989.  Hunters, Jumpers,and Equitation with a basis of Dressage to teach balance and movement is TAPS' specialty. Many accomplishments in all levels of competition from local horse shows to National Level Competitions such as Pennsylvania  National, Washington International, USEF Pony Finals, Devon, and Zone 2 Hunter Finals. 

"I love competing at the higher levels. I also enjoy taking a rider and their horse to the local shows. Seeing their improvement and personal success is very important to me. Not all horses are going to be National competitors, I appreciate every horse and feel there is a place for them to be successful as well.

My main focus it to produce riders that are aware, non-interfering, patient, feeling horsemen. Communication with your horse is so important to not undo what’s already done, or to improve what you have at the moment.

Lessons are available at North Riding on Tuesday/Thursday and at Hunter Hack Farm on Wednesday. Contact me for a Clinic at your facility. Click for more on my Equitation Clinics in the main menu. 
